Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the file which is the WordPress theme. You can install the theme in two ways: FTP: Extract file and upload the extracted


This section will introduce you how to use the Faster‘s shortcodes. Those are our custom shortcodes developed and integrated with the Visual Composer (VC) plugin. So you can use our shortcodes with Visual Composer drag and drop interface. You will

Footer Settings

You can configure the footer area of the theme from this settings option. You will find all relevant section settings to the “Footer Settings” option. Navigate to Theme Options > Footer Settings to go to this settings section. We provided all necessary

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and change the page/post’s Title bar padding, Page margin-top, Title bar overlay color etc.

Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize theme’s content from the Theme Settings page. Here you will find all relevant settings to customize the theme. This section will provide you an in-depth guide on how to use the Theme Options.


Supposed to be commonly asked issues, questions & troubleshoot tricks are in this section.

Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.


Rogan Documentation

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Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster. Download and activate WP This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk feature to smush all of your uploaded images. Alternatives to